Peranan Guru Pendidikan Agama Buddha Dalam Meningkatkan Sila Pertama Pancasila Buddhis Pada Peserta Didik Kelas VII Di SMP Maitreyawira Palembang

  • Hendra Saputra Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Maitreyawira
  • Rida Jelita Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Maitreyawira
  • Hosan Hosan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Maitreyawira
Keywords: teacher's role, the five principles of buddhism, the first principle


The knowledge about the Five Principles of Buddhism is the life foundation of every
Buddhist generally and students specifically. Therefore, this research aims to improve the
application of the first principle of the Five Principles of Buddhism among the seventh grade
students at SMP Maitreyawira Palembang. In this research, the descriptive qualitative method
is used. This method intensively learns the background of the current situation, and the
environmental interaction according to the social units comprising: individuals, groups,
institutions or society. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the role of a teacher as a
motivator can motivate and help the students build a strong will and hope so that their life
style can abide by the first principle. Besides, the role of a teacher as an inspirer using
learning media can inspire the students to apply the first principle of the Five Principles of
Buddhism. It is hoped that his research has a contribution for both teachers and students in
practicing the Five Principles of Buddhism, especially the first principle, and for enriching the
study of Buddha Dharma in Indonesia.

How to Cite
Saputra, H., Jelita, R., & Hosan, H. (2023). Peranan Guru Pendidikan Agama Buddha Dalam Meningkatkan Sila Pertama Pancasila Buddhis Pada Peserta Didik Kelas VII Di SMP Maitreyawira Palembang. Jurnal Maitreyawira, 4(2), 21-29. Retrieved from